January 19th, 2007

Here in the wide wild west
The good guys don’t wear black
People give their trust
To those who wear white hats

The masses with canine vision
Find those white capped ones
Placed high on mighty steeds;
And join them as they charge

Caught in panting fervor
They shout with unison
Hysteria in the stampede
They are solaced in the bond

I speak to you, O silent one
For I am silent too
Open your eyes, watch and learn
Never be afraid

Come and see what canine eyes
As yet can not perceive
Carry this brightness which pierces dark
And scatters the light of day

Know the enemy
For it is certain
That he indeed knows you
What tactics has he tried
Look for something new
Seek in the obvious places

They walk among the masses
Watching and learning
Seeming to belong
In all appearance true
What color are their hats
Be not deceived

But play the game
Open your eyes and learn the move
Go where you don’t belong
Hide among the wolves
Don’t let yourself be seen
They devour even their own

Things are not as they seem
I am wearing black
You won’t find me in the masses
I walk in desolate places
Among mottled faces, void of expression
Bobbing on an endless sea
Where the wild things roam

Yeah, our shoulders may even touch
But they will not see me
Nor can they harm me
I venture out into darkness
Following a beacon not discerned

And I, a chameleon in black
Will find my brothers
And clasp their hands as we pass by
Our eyes will meet only briefly
In this most dangerous place
For we must not be seen

But they will know who I am
And when our hands touch
I will give them of my brazen torch
And my chameleon cloak

We will wander the wilderness
Seeking other brethren
As the hidden flame burns brighter
Growing, kindling, strengthening
Waiting until that day
When it will burst forth in a mighty flash
Consuming all the darkness

Then the cloak I wear
Will no longer be shrouded in black
But the colors will shine in brilliance
And then will I don my hat
Ablaze in glorious white

I will raise my arm to my champion
My silent lips will open
And I will shout his victory cry

–sueeeus, 13 Feb 1993

This entry was posted on Friday, January 19th, 2007 at 3:48 PM and is filed under ego, philosophy/religion, poems. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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