March 22nd, 2006

Boy in front of WindowHe has so many looks.  I love the blue of  his eyes.  In some photos he is absolutely gorgeous.  In others, he’s a silly little thing.  I love them all, all the funny looks he comes up with.  He’s so active now; I can hardly get him to hold still for a photo.  It’s wonderful that he has so much fun.  I’m loving it.

I’ve been busy busy busy lately.  Wanting to blog.  Not having time to blog.  That, and it’s taking me a long time to tweak my template to look the way I want.  I’m new to php, so I’m rather slow at it.  Little things can be so annoying to me, and I have a hard time just letting them be.  For instance.  I want my hundred things list to have numbers.*  Yes, I have it defined as an ordered list.  But when displayed on the About page, the numbers don’t show.  I have a style sheet, and probably something in there is overwriting my “ol” definition, but it’s not making sense to me.  It should be straightforward and for whatever reason, I’m not seeing it.  Exasperating!

Blackbird has asked to see windows this week.  I don’t have any particularly interesting windows.  If I did, I could integrate them into the corners of my home theme as well – I think Amanda Soule Mama started that one.  I might be able to find some interesting corners of my home to share eventually.  As for windows   I am remiss.  I see there is a window in the background of this picture of my Boo.  It will have to do.

My Boo is growing out of  his nickname.  He’s getting to be such a big young man, I’ll have to think of a more mature nickname.

*update:  When I enclosed my list in a blockquote, the formatting took effect.  I chose lower case roman for my default.  Just because. 

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006 at 11:41 PM and is filed under children, show and tell. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “Show and Tell – a window”

the Bec Half of Glamorouse Says:

I think you’re tremendously clever to have done all this work just by following the instructions. I love your header.

Kim and I both have the lust for categories so there is a distant possibility we will follow your example. Or die trying.

I must remember to change your url on our blogroll!

the Bec Half of Glamorouse Says:

ps – do you still want to be the Squished Piggie or Sueeeus or ? Let me know so I can update your link.

sueeeus Says:

I guess I’ll go with sueeeus.

blackbird Says:

well…the window is nice, but the view in front of it is much much cuter!

Suse Says:

He looks so grown up in this shot.