October 25th, 2009 | 2 Comments »

I am not always the sharpest tool in the shed.  Especially when it comes to matters of a personal nature.  While metaphors may be completely obvious to some, I’m a bit slow on the uptake.  It helps to write things out.  So these are the representations that I’ve come up with.

  1. The oldest profession
    Woman compromises self to serve man
  2. A situation with no apparent choice; no alternatives
    The decision to file for divorce
  3. Office building
    Business, not personal
  4. Modern architecture, pecan colored wood with smoked glass windows
    Warm, clean, new, private, not foreboding, not seedy.  Legitimate.
  5. Receptionist
    Judge; court system.  The avenue or agent through which the arrangements for a different life are made.
  6. Room 3D
    The way to a multi-dimensional life
  7. The clientele; young, pleasant people, having fun, comfortable with themselves, on a journey
    Representative of another life, freedom, happy-go-lucky, adventure
  8. A black man and a white man
    Things are black and white (or not black and white)
  9. Broken glasses
    Flawed perspective
  10. Shattered right lens
    The right perspective or view is not available or impossible to see clearly
  11. Expensive glasses
    Perspective is valuable and important
  12. Skinny blond, getting ready to party
    Representative of fun
  13. RV/ATV
    Recreational vehicle is representative of play.  Specifically an ATV; all terrain, flexible, rugged, can handle all situations
  14. Condoms
    Safety, care, caution, no compromise.
  15. Female condoms
    Take care of self
  16. Clear and shiny color
    Obvious, nothing is hidden.  Honest.  Truthful.
  17. Two-pack
    Doubly or twice as significant or  important
  18. They were the first choice
    This is significant
  19. Purple package
    Royal?  External appearance not necessarily indicative of what’s inside
  20. Black condoms
    Unclear, shrouded, dark, not fully trustworthy?  –or, over the hill, as in black balloons
  21. Arcade lights, corner shopping center
  22. White pjs
    Innocent sex life?
  23. Kids left alone
    Where was their dad and why wasn’t he watching them?  Unavailable.  Not there.  Out of the picture.  Unable to count on or depend upon.
  24. Allowing myself to question the situation
    Fear and confusion can completely disarm, and trick us into thinking we are trapped with no alternatives
  25. Field
    Open.  No secrets.

I think, through this exercise, the thing that jumped out at me the most, is the part about the importance of taking care of myself.  And maybe also that no matter what I decide, whether to go through with this divorce or dismiss it, that it will be okay.

Posted in dreams, mental health