July 3rd, 2008

As in, great with child.

I love being pregnant. Some think I’m nuts, but truly, I love this. I love that there is an amazing life growing inside of me. Sure, I’m huge, and that’s not the least bit of an exaggeration. At 30 weeks, I look full term, and then some. In fact, now that the gestational diabetes is in full swing, I’m having regularly scheduled scans for estimating growth trends. Yesterday was the first, and LB came in at the 84th percentile, and 4 pounds 5 ounces. No worries, though. There is plenty of amniotic fluid and everything looks good. They won’t express concern unless he passes the 90th percentile, and even then, it’s practically a given that he will deliver via c-section anyway, so it’s more a matter of deciding the best time for the best outcome. I have no worries. I do need to keep my blood sugar under control, though, for both of us.

Yes, my legs and feet are swollen. And cramp frequently. And I have a yeast rash at the top of my legs. And more stretch marks to add to the collection. It does feel a bit strange now and then to have such a voluminous protrusion on the front porch. And it’s a teensy bit disconcerting to wonder how I could possibly get any bigger, considering my belly looks to be stretched to its utmost already. BB was huge, as well, but it seems as though my girth at this stage is already on par with my girth when I delivered him. And I have a full two months left to go. So.

All that said, I still love being pregnant. I love the feel of this little guy punching and kicking and squirming inside of me. I love thinking about the kind of person he is and will be.

I want to savor every moment, because I remember all too clearly the journey and the yearning for this opportunity, and this will most likely be the last time I walk this path. I want to remember the wonder of it all; all the feelings, all the movements, all the phases. Only two more months, which will be over before I know it. I want to savor it all.

It’s magical. It’s amazing. I’m loving it. I’m grateful.  Very, very grateful.

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 at 9:28 PM and is filed under pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “greatness”

Suse Says:

I ADORED being pregnant, as I think you know.

When I realised I was in early labour with #3 I remember holding and stroking my belly and saying this will be the last day in my life that I will have a big glorious pregnant belly. It was quite sad.

And then the pain kicked in. You know.

Stomper Girl Says:

I liked being pregnant but I’m left with a chronic dislike of feeling AT ALL uncomfortable these days and now just resent any clothing that gives me that feeling like tight, high heels tight waistbands etc. I truly believe this is a hangover of how uncomfortable you are when you’re pregnant without the pleasure of the squirming little prospect inside you.