January 9th, 2008

…Mostly at bed time… 

  1. Why?
  2. Mommy, I not feel good.
  3. I can’t.
  4. I don’t want to go a bed.
  5. I want chokkut.  (chocolate)
  6. Mommy, I want joo-ooce.
  7. Just a ‘lil tiny tiny bit.
  8. Hey!  I got ideeeeee-uh.
  9. Dammit*
  10. Want to take a show? (pronounced like how)
  11. Want to take a hot tub? (i.e., a bath)
  12. I dinn’t.
  13. No.
  14. I done haffa go poddeee.  I’m good.
  15. See?  I tole yewwwwww.
  16. I jus’ kiddn’
  17. I’m not <real name>.  I’m HARRY.
  18. You’n teem ow (you’re in time out)
  19. My special prize (surprise, as in gift or reward)
  20. My sister gave it to me (does he mean his aunt, or does he know something I don’t know?)
  21. I wanna peanut butter and jam sammich.  Jus’ reglar budder (regular butter, not peanut butter)
  22. I’m not a jam-face.  YOU a jam face!
  23. Oh crap**
  24. Pooz me (excuse me)
  25. Dat’s duh weeezun (that’s the reason)

What with all these twenty five things memes floating about, I thought I’d throw one in.  I sort of like the TFTTSMTT idea, but don’t want to think too much about things of that nature while I’m riding the high on my wave of mood stabilization.  I could quite likely compile a list based solely on commiserating items from others’ lists.  But I’m too lazy even for that.

*Not from me
**From me. Oops.

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