November 7th, 2007

A sweet small voice.  “I’m all wet.”  I glance at the clock.  5:30 a.m.

5:30 a.m.!!!  That’s close enough to claim he made it through the night, in his own room.  In. His. Own. Room!  The race car bed was a genius maneuver.  Genius!

Do I snuggle with him for another half hour, or do I get up, put his bedding in the washer, and start my morning?  After a few minutes of warm snuggly contemplation, I decided to go ahead and get on with the day.

A quiet morning to myself.  A cappuccino.  A few minutes for  a blog post.  Even so, bets are on that I’ll be late for work anyway.  A night on his own though!  So worth it.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 7th, 2007 at 6:35 AM and is filed under motherhood. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “the wee hours”

MsCellania Says:

GA! I lost my bookmarks a while back, and haven’t been making the rounds. Lots going on in the Great Northwest! A NEW BED and TOILET TRAINING! Wow!
We are way too busy here and I’m thinking to do some prioritizing. The boys are exhausted all the time. When Your little one starts to have Options like boy scouts, taekwondo, Spanish, etc., my advice is do ONE. We are doing TWO and it’s TWO MUCH.

Blue Moon Girl Says:

I totally think that counts as making it through the night! That’s awesome! I know that has to be the hardest part! Sometimes I even wake up in the night to go to the bathroom (TMI, too bad).

I love the car bed! Awesome!! 🙂 Congratulations on making it through the night!

Aunty Evil Says:

Yay! Congratulations!!