September 16th, 2007

Lest there be an explosion in Australia.

Continuing with the season of indulgence for which there is no end on the horizon, I, sueeeus maximus, do hereby make this most auspicious announcement, oh Internets, of my intent to sojourn to the vast and glorious land of Oz, to visit my friend of many many years, the famous and well-beloved of many bloggers far and anon, Suse In The Soup. Yes, I must experience first hand a glimpse of life in a mud-brick house.

February, 2008.

Lack of courage notwithstanding, I might venture forth to meet and greet some of the fine bloggers of the southern hemisphere. I am much more timid in the flesh, so this may take some coaxing.

Meanwhile, I have from now until then to, uh, let me see…

  • plan
  • gather courage
    • courage to leave my BBC
    • courage to fly (it is, statistically speaking, one of the safest forms of transportation)
    • courage to visit a foreign land
    • courage to interact with people away from the safety of my computer screen
    • courage to meet new people, real people, alive, in the flesh. Oh dear Lord. Real people.
    • courage to leave my BBC
    • courage to leave my BBC
    • courage to leave my BBC
  • dispel guilt
    • guilt over leaving my BBC
    • guilt over wanting to do this alone, without bringing Mr. Gadget
    • guilt over leaving my BBC
    • guilt over leaving my BBC
    • guilt over leaving my BBC
    • guilt over leaving my BBC
  • plan
    • plan, plan, plan
    • where to go, what to see, what to pack, what to wear, what to bring, electrical considerations, customs considerations, etc etc etc

I leave this post, oh dear Internets, trembling and quaking in excitement, fear, and trepidation all.

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 16th, 2007 at 8:43 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

9 Responses to “important safety announcement”

Aunty Evil Says:

You are going to get a taste of the good life!

Oh my, I need to call our Prime Minister Mr Howard and get him to spruce the place up a bit.

Do you want the same barricades as Mr Bush got or will a cafe on the beach do you?

MsCellania Says:

You lucky thing! And it will be hotter than the gates of hell during February, won’t it? I am so jealous.

tracey petersen Says:

How very exciting. I can assure that the hotter than hell warnings are a little uncalled for. It is at least 10 degrees cooler than hell, even at the gates! (That is celcius too!)

bec Says:

My Float and I are both within a very short and easy drive of Sydney airport – if you are pausing here before heading further south to the lovely Suse, you have NO excuse not to let us know so we can bring you hot towels and some substitute children to cuddle!

My Float Says:

Yes – a very VERY short drive of Sydney airport. The children are lovely – why, mine can even throw something, just so you feel at home!

meggie Says:

Oh Yes! The fires of hellish Summer should be raging in this fair country about then! Bring little, or no, clothes.
On the other hand, I don’t know if you can entirely trust the Melbourne Summer??
I wish you joy, in your planning of this wondrous journey!

MsCellania Says:

I am still Pea Green (ha ha – get it?!) with envy. I want very badly to visit our gurls in OZ. They are so friendly, so knitty, so greeny and gardeny and so literary. And sounds like you will get 3 birds with 1 stone as they are in close proximity. And isn’t ‘bird’ something to do with ‘girl’?

suse Says:

Yay, you outed yourself.

Now you HAVE to come.

Yaya Says:

of all the places in the world, you have to work into my country – it would be great to meet…and thanks for all your support – I’m still here and will post again yaya