March 15th, 2007
  1. Contribution :: to humanity
  2. Ryan :: O’Neal
  3. Minimal :: amount of effort
  4. Cleansed :: and refreshed
  5. Centered :: and alive
  6. Arrow :: broken
  7. Beyond :: all reason
  8. Execute :: kill
  9. Intuition :: faith
  10. Apology :: sorrow

Well, I have an abundance, or overabundance of feelings, but I don’t feel like writing about them right now.  At least not publicly.  Which isn’t meant to sound as though there’s anything mysterious going on, because there’s not.  It’s all just blah blah blah blah blah.

Well, I was up half the night tending to a child exploding from both ends.  Poor little guy.  Carpet cleaner and washing machines were both running in the middle of the night, and the house, it does not smell good.

The nice door to door religious people have been by again.  The JWs are especially nice, and I like them, but never invite them in.  The LDS boys are nice too, and they come because Mr. Gadget is on THE LIST.  I don’t let them in either.  I am so rude.  I don’t know what it is with them and keeping track of their people.  It drives me bonkers.  Actually, I sort of know, after reading on several ‘recovering from M’ sites, but don’t have the energy to get into it, and religion is just one thing that I can’t discuss reasonably with MG, so we just let our differences be.  Long and tiring story.  I will say that it really bothered me when his mother added me to their official genealogy.  I did NOT want to be on their list.  It’s so hyppocritical, anyway.  MG’s biological father is not on their list, because she’s ashamed that she got knocked up while separated from her husband.  So.  Hrumph again.  She got my middle name completely wrong, and I haven’t corrected her.  Parnath.  Who ever heard of Parnath   And how could she get that from my name   It beats me.  Parnath it is, as far as the LDS are concerned, and that’s okay with me.

I don’t particularly like the door-to-door conversion pushing experience.  Not that I have anything against the pushers.  I was once very zealous and pushy myself, but have learned that people aren’t receptive to that.  So I back off.  I try not to consider myself lukewarm.  I’m just not actively evangelizing or proselytizing, and I believe what I believe, and not without foundation or reason.  I’m not blindly following or accepting a particular sect or system, just because it’s how I was raised or how I was taught.  I sought and I found.  Enough said.  I tend to feel bad about not letting them in (the door-to-doors), but they have a charter that I don’t agree with, so they won’t be making a sale with me, no matter what they say or do.  It’s a waste of our time, theirs and mine.  I could invite them in and try to convert them, but that’s biting off more than I want to chew.  I ought not be so lazy, but I think that if I simply let my actions be loving, and leave it at that. then no harm, no foul.

I think the great commission is largely misunderstood.  Many sects zero in on it, and they think they need to knock on doors, make passionate altar calls, broadcast to the universe via satellite, or travel far and anon to spread the good news.  I say start small.  In your own body.  In your own life.  Live by example.  Live clean.  Live uprightly.  Live love.

Love is what it’s all about anyway, isn’t it   It’s the golden rule.  If we love one another, and treat them as we’d like to be treated.  Well.   The world would surely be a better place.

All this from some unconscious mutterings.  My sweet little sick child is asleep next to me, his feet on my lap.  He’s so precious.  No explosions for several hours, and so far he’s kept some soup down.  I hope he’s feeling better.  Poor little guy.

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 15th, 2007 at 5:24 PM and is filed under memes etc., philosophy/religion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “unconscious mutterings, because I don’t feel like much else”

Velcro Says:

I can cope with the godbotherers that come and knock on my door, it’s the ones that want you to change gas/telephone/electricity supplier that get on my nerves. They are so pushy!

Meggie Says:

The LDS tried to get our granddaughter. They really messed with her head, & tried desperately to FORCE her to get baptised, using guilt inducing language. That equals evil, in my book.