March 13th, 2007

Midnight (a few nights ago). I’m awakened by a small presence and a soft touch on my arm. A little voice. “I’m wet.” And my heart swells.

New sentences rapidly form. “I go pee pee.” (After the fact, number one or number two, but it’s a start.) “Milk all gone.” “Guy all wet.” (Pointing at his motorcycle man’s private area.) “I hear big truck.” “I need bath.” “Go outside.”

And last night, atop the stairs after only an hour of sleep. “I want tee.” It took me a while, but I finally realized he was saying “I want to watch tv,” to which I inwardly groan. Even though I’m so proud of his progress, I’m not so keen that he become a tv hound. He knows that after he falls asleep, I go downstairs and watch tv before going to bed. He just wants to be with us, I tell myself. It doesn’t help that on weekends when I’m feeling lazy, I let him play at our feet while we watch tv and until he passes out, asleep. Because Lord knows Mr. Gadget won’t put him to bed…

He’s learning colors too. I like this, because I didn’t teach him this, so I know he’s picking up good things at daycare. “Red phone.” (My phone is red. He’s so good.) “White shoes.” His shoes are white. “Blue truck.” “Daddy’s truck.” He’s understanding size too. “Big bus.” And so on.

What I love best about this time is that he’s going through an affectionate phase! I’m counting my lucky stars and snuggling him as much as he’ll let me. He hasn’t been the most affectionate child, and I missed out on a lot of infant snuggling, so I’m drinking this up. My snuggle buggle bear.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 13th, 2007 at 6:48 PM and is filed under children. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “and just like that, the sentences begin”

my float Says:

That’s very beautiful. Isn’t it miraculous, when they start to speak. And their grasp of concepts is amazing.

Keep this age close to your heart. I loved it.