February 19th, 2007

My gadget man made a pleasant announcement on Valentine’s Day. He won a cruise vacation to the Bahamas for being in the top 100 for sales, nationwide, last year. I’m so proud of him! His company is always urging their technicians to push more sales of service contracts and accessories, and he has a knack. I’ve suggested he go into sales as a profession, because he’s so good at it, but he always balks. He likes the certainty of a steady paycheck, rather than the uncertainty of a sales/commission based livelihood.  As well, he tends to think salespeople are sharks and he doesn’t want to be associated as such.  I count is as goodness, that at least in one aspect he’s concerned about personal character.  If only this could extend to one’s character when one is behind the wheel…  If only.


Alas, children are not invited on the cruise. Sigh. Much as I’ve always wanted to experience just such a cruise –especially for free!–, I can’t leave my beautiful boy for six days. The cruise is only a 4-day jaunt, but travel to and from Miami will take the better part of a day, each way, so it would essentially be a six day trip. No can do. I don’t want MG to miss out on this opportunity, though. He earned it and I want him to go, so I’ve convinced him to take his brother instead. I plan to use that weekend to visit my sister, so my sweet little toddler will get to be with me, and see his auntie. It will be a good thing.

I’m especially glad that we won’t be attempting transcontinental flight with him any time soon.  We had our first bus ride this weekend.  That is, since my little man has been cognizant of his whereabouts. He’s been on the bus before, but only as an infant, and wrapped securely to me.  He likes to watch the buses and point them out, but when it came time to climb aboard, he was terrified and flung himself on the ground to try to avoid getting on.  I had to pick him up and carry him on, while he kicked and squirmed and cried, struggling to escape.  He sobbed and sobbed for several minutes.  I felt bad for him.  He was so scared!  He was very brave on the return trip, as it was no longer an unfamiliar experience.  Even so, I shudder to think of the reaction he might have, should we attempt to board an airplane.

This entry was posted on Monday, February 19th, 2007 at 12:33 PM and is filed under travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “sailing the ocean blue”

Miscellania Says:

Congratulations to Mr. Gadget! You would enjoy the cruise but I understand. It STINKS that they don’t allow children – that means alot of spouses miss out :o(

Awwww, I’m sorry Gadget Jr. didn’t enjoy the bus ride so much. I bet he eventually enjoys all sorts of travel. Mine know leap fearlessly on to conveyances (occasionally with me gasping and joining them any way I can).