February 7th, 2007

I just love the sound of a toddler’s voice –especially when it’s my toddler’s voice! Everything has a sort of an ‘h’ sound in it. I’ve not been on top of things, as far as capturing his firsts for posterity. First tooth I don’t recall. I remember eight teeth came in all at once, but I don’t remember when. First words I don’t know. First haircut That was shortly after his first birthday. I had good intentions, but just didn’t follow through, capturing this stuff. I’ve been thinking of how delighted I am by the sound of his voice and the enthusiasm with which he points to things when he proudly tells me what they are. I thought I’d try to at least capture this, as best I can.


  1. D (dheeh)
  2. A (ayhe)
  3. B (bheeh)
  4. Y (wyah)
  5. I (Iyah)
  6. sky (kiyah)
  7. wall (whah)
  8. moon (a mhooh! a mhooh! or myeeoon)
  9. stool (dhooh)
  10. keys (keeyah)
  11. truck (tuk)
  12. drive (dhive)
  13. helicopter (hay-yee-ka)
  14. ambulance (ahm-moo)
  15. baby (bhaaaaaye-bee)
  16. cup (khuh)
  17. Mommy (Mhohhhhhh-meee) <– I LOVE that he sings it in this long drawn out way, gush!
  18. Daddy (Dhahhhhhh-deee)
  19. green beans (mheen-mheen)
  20. mine (MHIYAH!)
  21. vacuum (bak)
  22. broom (bhoo)
  23. bowl (bhohw)
  24. milk (mheeyuhl)
  25. juice (dhooce)
  26. apple (ap-poh)
  27. soup (sooh)
  28. ball (bhah)
  29. please (bhee, bheeze)
  30. up (uh)
  31. sorry (dhah-yee)
  32. thank you (dhah-koo)
  33. fan (bhah)
  34. What are those (ah-doh )
  35. What’s that called (ah-kho )
  36. balloon (byooh)
  37. rock (rhah)
  38. yucky (uhck-ee)
  39. yummy (yhum-meee)
  40. mouth (mhou-wah)
  41. eyes (Iyah)
  42. nose (nhohwa)
  43. hair (heh)
  44. leg (yheg)
  45. toes (dhoh)
  46. teeth (teehe)
  47. shoes (sooh)
  48. kitty (kih-yee)
  49. light (yhigh)
  50. wipes (whiya)
  51. all gone (ah-go)
  52. spoon (pooh)
  53. door (dhowa)
  54. gate (gaye)
  55. house (howe)
  56. hot (hawh)
  57. cold (koh-ohhhh)
  58. pull (puhl)
  59. remote (ah-mho)
  60. saw (dhaw)
  61. spill (pe-yuhl)
  62. drop (dhop)
  63. hi (hiye)
  64. night-night (nhigh-nhigh)
  65. bye-bye (bhye-bhye)
  66. coat (kho)
  67. boat (bho)
  68. train (choo-choo)
  69. plane (peen)
  70. trike (tyke)
  71. shower (dhowa)
  72. towel (dhowl)
  73. tea (teeh)
  74. snow (nhoh)
  75. tree (treeh)
  76. back pack (bhab- bhab)

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 7th, 2007 at 4:05 PM and is filed under children. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “the things a little one says”

Miscellania Says:

The sweetest word I still hear is “MOMMY”
Littlest still has lots of special pronunciations.
Oldest still says TEEF for Teeth. When he drew pictures of and then described in words his bedtime routine, he wrote ‘Brush Teef:, which I did not correct. I had to pretend I was sneezing and coughing when I checked his homework. Yes, homework in kindy. Prepare Thyself.
Sorry to hear work is – work. Neverending.
Smooches to you, Sueeeus!