December 4th, 2006

These eyes have a mischievous twinkle, yes


He’s come a long way in nearly two years. I like how his newborn hat turned out. I still have leftover fabric so I made him a new hat and scarf. I don’t know what happened to the baby hat, and I didn’t remember how I made it. The mittens were a bit of a flop, as well. There is a bit of fabric left, so I may try another pair of mittens, or a better hat. Or perhaps a pillow to match his little blanket and quilt. So many choices.

He is just so darned adorable! And so much fun. He runs and dances and plays and is generally an exhuberant toddler. He gets into absolutely everything!  My little love.

Now, to keep those gifts wrapped until Christmas.  We shall see.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 4th, 2006 at 10:36 AM and is filed under children. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “the eyes are the windows to the soul”

my float Says:

Isn’t he an absolute darling! What a little delight. That twinkle will sure cause a crackle amongst the girls when he’s a little older! And what fun you’ll have then!

Velcro Says:

He is soo cute. I love the hat and scarf you made for him. Does he actually keep them on when he’s outside The FB removes hats as soon as they’re put on his head. As a very tiny baby he managed this by rubbing his head from side to side against the pushchair. People would glare at me at the sight of my bareheaded baby.

Meggie Says:

What a gorgeous child!! Love his little hat.
My little grandson would never wear his hats, & he is still not keen on them.

sueeeus Says:

He doesn’t keep the hats on for long! If I make a big deal about it so that he thinks he’s just toooooo cooool, then he keeps it on for a little while and struts about. It usually doesn’t last long though. 🙂