November 10th, 2006

Well, it’s day two, and there are still two lines. Only, the important one doesn’t seem as vivid as yesterday’s. I try not to let this make me crazy. Part of me is frightened that this will end badly. Part of me is certain that all will be well. The headache persisted well into the day and I finally caved and took some Tylenol.  I’ve been faithful with my folic acid and vitamins for months and months.  That’s a plus.  And now I’ve started gentle yoga and am cleaning up my eating habits in the hopes of evading the gestational diabetes this time.  I feel like crappe, and count that as a blessing.  Leg cramps.  Belly cramps.  Queasiness.  Dizziness.  Fatigue.  All SIGNS!!  It means things are happening.  It means it’s real!  I gathered the courage to step on the scale and was disappointed to see that I have recently gained so much.  It’s like an explosion.  I could feel it happening, but preferred to stick my head in the sand, so to speak.  Sigh.  What matters now is to make the most of things as they are.  Get some fresh air.  Try to get more rest.  Pray.  Settle myself.  Immerse my inner self and outer self in love.  What a blessing I am bestowed with!  July 19th.  That’s my guess.  We’ll see what the experts say when the time comes.  I made my first appointment today, but it’s not for two more weeks.  How can I possibly wait that long.  It’s like an eternity away.  I must find a way to calm down!
And how nice!  A phone conversation with none other than the fine Miscellania!  The blog world becomes smaller and smaller with each passing day.

This entry was posted on Friday, November 10th, 2006 at 7:03 PM and is filed under pregnancy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “still true after all these hours”

Miscellania Says:

Aw, still getting the goosebumps for you, Sue.
Did you wake up, click to life and gasp !

bec Says:

There’s something going around in our part of the blogosphere… Maybe you ‘caught the bug’ On my blogroll currently there are four people in their first trimester: two with their second, one with her third and one with her fourth…

I’m jealous you and MsC got to talk in real life!!

babelbabe Says:

deep breaths…relax…ginger tea….

take care, Sueeus…take care of yourself….

my float Says:

Oh I’m so hoping for the very best for you and your family. Sending you a milllon and one best wishes…

(I wish I could catch whatever’s going around on Bec’s blogroll!)