August 8th, 2006

There has been much ado around here lately, and I’ve been meaning (and wanting) to write, but I find that the thoughts are slipping as the days go by. If nothing else, I can make a fragmented list, and perhaps one day I can go back and explore things in further detail. Or not.

  • a month of stepchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, in-laws, parents
  • elevated blood pressure
  • camping at the ocean
  • a road trip to God’s country
  • a boat ride on a beautiful lake
  • lake swimming
  • heat stroke (not me, but dear Lord, how fragile and precious life is, I must always remember)
  • a puppet show
  • a theme park
  • a new deck
  • The Salon, a three day role playing game, taken very seriously
  • Cafe Sueeeus
  • trials and tribulations with opc (other people’s children)
  • Sueeeus, the Wicked Stepmother
  • tearful goodbyes
  • thank God it’s just us (did I say that out loud )
  • blood pressure back to normal
  • a new bike
  • a new baby bike seat
  • yearning for fresh air, better health, and a more simple life
  • and so much more…

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 8th, 2006 at 11:47 AM and is filed under miscellaneous. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “fragments from a fragmented summer”

myfloat Says:

Yearning for fresh air, better health, and a more simple life
I’m with you. If only…