August 2nd, 2006

I noticed today that WordPress strongly recommended an upgrade, for security reasons.  As I’ve been plagued with spam, I decided to upgrade.  The thing is, my server has this fancy helpful interactive ftp doohickey for transferring files, but it’s not well suited to efficient updates of multitudes of files.  It’s more of a one by one thing.  So.  I had to find another way, which meant learning whether an old fashioned ftp thingymajiggy like we used back when unix was the only thing available, and which worked great, by the way…  That sentence ran on way too long for me to even attempt to figure out what I was trying to say… Anyway, I did find something called SmartFTP, and woohoo, it’s free!  It works like A DREAM!  Almost no learning curve necessary, and voila.  My bazillion little files that make this fabulous WordPress blog run, are now updated with the latest and greatest.

We shall see if the spammers are inhibited.  I’ve turned the comments feature back on.

Did I mention that during my upgrade, my very helpful sidekick, who loves buttons of any sort, pressed the power button on my computer   Oh.  Well.  Slight interruption in the otherwise efficient process.  And where was Mr. Gadget during this   After all, I had told him that I needed to install an upgrade this evening.  Did I need to spell out the translation that it would be nice if he could actually watch Mr. Busy Body for a few minutes.

Husbands.  Sigh.  It’s not as though I work full time myself.  Or change thirty diapers to his one.  Or prepare all the meals.  Or do all the laundry.  Or put it all away.  Or anything like that.   I’m a woman.  These are my jobs.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006 at 7:13 PM and is filed under blogging, family, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “upgrades and helpers”

Suse Says:

Yay, comments are back! Hellooooo!!!

Um. Is it perhaps time you suggested to Mr Gadget that meals and laundry can be shared Otherwise you will burn out my friend.

msC Says:

This is precisely why I have refused – yes, Refused – to return to paycheck hell. When my husband starts making the “I’ll never retire if you don’t go back to work’ noises, I eagerly jump up and print out my List of Demands. I would LOVE to go back to work, but can’t be expected to do 2 full-time jobs, right So, every single chore that involves house, child care, social lives, therapy appointments; swimming, TaeKwonDo and sports stuff; meal prep and shopping – everything gets put in 3 columns; task, time involved and a dollar amount associated with ‘hiring it out’. I hand him the sheet, and say “How are we going to get All This Done Hire it out ” and tap the $$$$ column. “Wow, that column totals over $5k a month! We’ll have TO SHARE the chores!” Since dh works at least 60 hours a week, there is no way he can help do much of anything. (We also have a special needs child, who has 3 therapy appointments a week. All between 9 and 3. How can someone work and get their child to therapies )

The subject gets dropped for awhile. It will come up again. No problem. I keep the document stored in Word and revise it occasionally.

I get furious when I hear about the inequitable chore division in most households. I don’t think dh got it until I put a dollar amount beside each task. Then it suddenly became ‘valuable’. Yes, the stuff I do at home is extremely valuable.

Honey, you need alot more help than you are getting. You might want to try assigning a dollar amount to the tasks involved in your 2nd full-time job – if you don’t do them, and he won’t do them, you’d have to pay to get laundry done, food on the table, house cleaned, baby picked up from daycare, etc.

Just an idea….
Sorry to dump this on you on Monday.

msC Says:

Hot Dip Chicken Tureen wants to come live at your house. No one loves him here it seems.
He needs a new home.

sueeeus Says:

ooh! I appreciate all that you said, V! And the chicken to boot. Am toooo excited. Will email you soon!

msC Says:

The Chicken got a very thorough bath today in anticipation of the upcoming journey. A box and packing material have been selected. Just say the word!