May 13th, 2006

Still coughing.  How long has it been   Today is May 13th.  I complained about it on May 1st, and at that point, had already been in to it several days, or even a week.  So that makes it nearly 3 weeks now.  Just when I think about making a doctor’s appointment, things seem to be clearing up, so I change my mind.  Why get unnecessary meds   And then they don’t actually clear up.  Now I’m at the point of considering making an appointment, but again, this time, it seems like things are clearing up.  It’s no longer a dry cough.  It’s moved up to the throat region, and there was the old familiar post nasal drip, followed by full blown miserable cold again, and that’s nearly subsided and I’m left with some congestion, a cough, and that nasty disgusting phlegm.  Yuck.  Hate it.  But the thing is, my Boo boy is still a bundle of energy, even though he has a runny nose.  He doesn’t have a fever, and I’ve been successful at sneaking cough syrup into pudding to get him to take it.  I run the humidifier with eucalyptus oil at night for him.  He only coughs a few times, here and there.  But I go into fits. 

I think there’s something going on in the blogosphere.  A loss of energy.  A boredom.   A lethargy.  It seems like several of the bloggers I follow are going through this, as am I.  blah.  blah, blah, blah.

I’m very frustrated with my medical insurance company.  With our most recent contract, we supposedly don’t need referrals from our primary care providers any more, but I went ahead and got one, just in case.  Then, I called my insurance company when I got the referral letter, and inquired about coverages, should I be prescribed medical equipment (cpap for the sleep apnea).  I went through the questions in great detail, making sure my ducks were all lined up.  I called the clinic to ask if they’ve had any trouble billing my insurance plan before, and they assured me they had not.  I took a copy of my referral letter with me to my appointment (and left it there, I think, with the packet of information they had asked me to provide).  I think nothing of it, go on my merry way (not so merry, but that’s another story), have a sleep study (which probably cost a fortune, but I’ve not received the statement yet), have a follow-up sleep study (which also didn’t go well, although better than the first), and returned home to the first of the medical statements from the specialist.  And the insurance says…  Not covered.  Reason   No referral letter on file.  WTH   Of course I don’t have the referral letter in my hot little hands any more, but it exists.  It exists!  Arrrggggh, it’s so frustrating.  I got this news on a Friday evening, so I have to wait until Monday to straighten it out.  I don’t like waiting!  It makes me crazy, all these annoying thoughts milling about in my head about incompetence and general frustration.  Meanwhile, since the first claim got denied, if it doesn’t get cleared up, so will the second, and the third.  And those sleep studies probably cost a bundle, what with dedicated lab and technician time, for two entire nights.  I should be bigger than this and not let it bother me.  I should be calm and peaceful and just wait until Monday and straighten it out.  I tangle myself up in the stupid what ifs.  What if they deny the claim   Then I have to pay a bucketload of money.  Why would they deny it, when it should be covered   It should be.  It’s my right!  I followed the rules.  I turn myself into a victim at the mercy of an evil bureaucracy.  All these wasted emotions that I should rise above.  Mind, I’m not letting them get the complete better of me.  I’m blogging it out, to get it off my chest.  Perhaps then I can dismiss it from my active thought until later. 

Anyhooo.  Did I mention that I’m feeling blah lately   I have friends in the blogosphere who are going through frustrations of their own, stresses of their own, blues and blahs of their own, sorrows of their own.  I wish I could send some sunshine and fortune to rain down on them all, and brighten things up for everyone.

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 13th, 2006 at 11:02 AM and is filed under health. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “odds and ends and blah blah blah”

myfloat Says:

Ah yes, there are strange things afoot in the blogsphere at the minute. It’s like we’re all getting our periods at the same time!

I hope you’ve had a few words to say to your insurance company. Perhaps a few (un)kind asides about the therapy you’ll need to get over this !

Good luck

the kim half of glamorouse Says:

Yes, there is a fug upon us. Something an impending birth would fix! Good luck!