April 17th, 2006

Last night I dreamt of graduation.  It seemed that everyone at my university had to go to the administration office to receive a packet of graduation materials.  It was absolutely necessary in order to graduate.  I went to the office and there was a very long line of students, all waiting.  There was one small table with only a couple of people seated behind it, answering questions and handing out the materials.  Students had to show their badge to the administrator, and the administrator would then look up their name in their flip card file.  I asked someone in line who I recognized from my classes if this was the only line and he said yes, and that we needed our badge, so if we didn’t have it, we’d have to go get it and get back in line, at the end of the line.  There were hundreds of people in line, so I was glad we spoke, as I didn’t have a badge.  I went to my department and inquired about the badge.  In the dream, the professor was Hugh Laurie.  He sent me to a booth where I had a photo taken, and printed on a badge.  With my new badge in hand, I went back to the line.  I was a bit dismayed that I’d have a long wait, but happily found that the line had dwindled to almost nothing during the time it took me to obtain my badge.  I finally got to speak to the woman behind the desk, and she looked at my badge and said she was sorry, but she couldn’t give me the papers I needed, because people with that kind of badge didn’t get to graduate now.  What kind of badge, I asked.  She showed me the upper left corner of my badge where there was a miniature image of the badge, a badge within a badge.  I hadn’t thought anything of it, but it turned out that it was a special mark, given to a selection of students, mainly engineering students.  I was upset and stormed off to find my professor (Hugh Laurie) to learn why I wasn’t allowed to graduate.  But I have good grades, I told him.  I’m an honor student, I told him.  Yes, he knew that.  He wouldn’t say directly why I couldn’t graduate.  He was very mysterious about it.  I gathered that there was some special assignment that the top engineering students had to do, so we weren’t going to graduate (yet).  It was all very vague, and there was nothing I could do about it.  I had to simply accept the fact and wait.  Wait to learn what was next, what was required of me.  . . . and then I woke up, with a headache, realized it’s Monday morning, I have to go to work, I haven’t prepared breakfast and lunch for my munchkin to take to daycare, and, and, and. . .

I actually did have a professor in college who was Hugh Laurie-like.  At least, he was lean and lanky with blue blue eyes, tousled hair, and a dry wit.

Yum.  Oh, did I say that out loud

This entry was posted on Monday, April 17th, 2006 at 8:28 AM and is filed under dreams. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “In which Hugh Laurie is my professor and graduation is on hold”

The Bec Half Of Glamorouse Says:

Oh no! Don’t you get Easter Monday as a public holiday

But apart from my shock at that – I totally get the Hugh Laurie thing. Although I could wish him slightly broader shoulders…

Suse Says:

Broader shoulders Sheesh Bec, aren’t the face, the voice, the wit, the eyes, all enough

And Sueeeus, what I want to know is did Hugh have his natural English accent, or his American “House” accent Cos he is twice as gorgeous when he’s au naturel. Oh, did I say that out loud

sueeeus Says:

I must agree that the natural English accent is most delicious.