July 27th, 2005

I took Boo to his daycare this morning and he broke my heart because he started crying the most heart-wrenching cry when he realized I was dropping him off again. I’m working from home today, which is wonderful, but I just can’t get my work done and give him the attention he needs, so off to daycare he goes.

It’s such a beautiful day that I decided to try and set up my laptop outside on the patio, so I could get some of the cool morning air. In the process of unplugging the power cord, I managed to shock myself, which shook me up quite a bit. I realized how easy it is to compromise one’s life. It only takes a twinkling of an eye and life can drastically change. I must be more careful. And I must baby proof my house SOON. All that drama and the traffic was too noisy for me to concentrate, and the cool morning was quickly replaced by stifling heat, so back in the house I went. Now the day is over and I’m off to collect my precious Boo, and I feel anxious that I’m surrounded by things to do that I haven’t done. I must learn to let it slide and not worry about it.

Can’t wait to see my beautiful boy!!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005 at 4:48 PM and is filed under mundane. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Where Does the Day Go”

lili Says:

Chin up! You’re doing fine. Daycare is a good thing. The kids get to acquire good socialization skills and they have a great time. 🙂