March 26th, 2006

I’m very good at it.  Today, at this moment, I ought to be working on my taxes.  But I’m not.   My love bug is napping, and it’s my window of opportunity.  He likes to help me type, and sometimes his key strokes close my windows and applications.  He’s a very helpful young man.  Mr. Gadget is off gallivanting with his siblings.  He left early this morning and claimed he’d be back early.  He planned to fix his sister’s washing machine, and then golf with said sister and a brother.  Meanwhile, my lovely sister C. and her fine man D. have been visiting.  My sister S. spent some time with us as well, and I was all smiles with a houseful of family.  🙂  We enjoyed a delightful breakfast at a local cafe/bakery, and played with Mr. Boo.  Sadly, they had to return home, and I am alone with my love bug.  He’s got almost boundless energy.  All of these things are great at keeping me from the task I’m supposed to be doing. 

Ugh.  Taxes.  The bane of spring.  I have been giving myself permission to procrastinate, saying that I can work on them when Mr. Gadget returns, because he can then keep my little one company.  But, you see, Mr. Gadget hasn’t returned, and the day is drifting away.  I think I hear my love bug stirring, so I will have to stop what I’m doing and go attend to him.  Which I love.  I’m in no way complaining about needing to spend time with him.  I love our moments!  We play and play and play and play.  He laughs and shrieks and gurgles and giggles and squirms and writhes, and it’s the absolute best.  I love it!

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 26th, 2006 at 6:01 PM and is filed under miscellaneous. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “Procrastination”

doubleknot Says:

What a nice mother you are. Your little love bug and the rest are lucky.
I enjoyed reading your blog.

the kim half of glamorouse Says:

Hey Sueeeus – I am loving the bird, loving the blog.