March 23rd, 2006

My little crumb cruncher tends to get these bug bite looking bumps on his face now and then, and I’ve been noticing them around meal times.  I have been meaning to try and find out what could be biting him.  Last night I was getting him ready for bed and noticed a couple of these bumps on one of his legs.  I looked closer to try and determine if they were bug bites.  Maybe we have bedbugs.  I don’t know.  It was a thought.  I moved my hand and his leg was covered with red spots where my hand had been.  I gently rubbed them to see what kind of bumps they were, and they seemed to get worse, before my eyes.  I asked Mr. Gadget what he thought, if it looked like chicken pox or not.  It sort of did.  I asked if chicken pox develops so quickly.  He didn’t know, and neither did I.  I decided to check the other leg, and saw three faint bumps, so I looked closer to try and determine if they were old or new.  As I touched them, it seemed as though they got more pronounced.  I told Mr. Gadget that it seemed like he was reacting to me, so I took my hands off and waited a few minutes to see if they’d fade (they did).  Meanwhile, I tried to think of what he could be reacting to.  I used a hand lotion that day which was out of the ordinary, but had since washed my hands at least a dozen times, so I didn’t think it could be the lotion.  I’d washed and dried the bedding and put an extra fabric softener sheet in the dryer, which was out of the ordinary as well.   He was on the bedding and not breaking out everywhere, so that left me.  We had a fabulous tossed green salad for dinner, with red, yellow, and green bell peppers, radish, green onion, cucumber, tomatoes, mixed organic greens, and leafy green lettuce.  (Big boy Boo had lentils and rice and green beans.)  I was done in the sense that I’d put my dishes in the sink, but I was still snacking away at what was left in the salad bowl, using my fingers to pick up pieces of salad and munch happily away.  It’s the most plausible explanation I can find at this point.  My baby is allergic to fresh vegetables.  At least one of the mix, anyway.  Now I will have to try and isolate the culprit.

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 23rd, 2006 at 1:05 PM and is filed under children, health. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “But Mommy, I can’t eat vegetables. I’m ALLERGIC!”

Angie Says:

I found you! 🙂

When they are small so many things cause them to break out I am almost afraid to add anything new to the mix. We never know what might set off reactions. I am such a worrywart in that way!! Good luck on finding the problem your son is reacting to.

Suse Says:

The tomato perhaps They are a common culprit, along with strawberries and citrus fruits. He will probably grow out of it with time. Are they bothering him, as in being itchy or sore