July 21st, 2005

I’m new to Blogland and can’t help but follow links from here to there and back again. There are so many people out there in Blogland who share their beauty, be it photographs, musings, poems, crafts, paintings — all manner of creative pursuits. I see lists of what people have been reading, what they’ve been listening to. All these things blow my mind! Not that my mind is that small, but I am in part inspired by this outpouring of creativity that surrounds me, and in part baffled as to how people possibly find the time! (…Not to mention the inspiration and of course the ability…) I’ve made a few paintings here and there through the years, and I’ve taken a few decent photographs. I’ve written one or two poems that I might not be too embarrassed to publish. I’m merely a dabbler. I have no strong bent to any of these wonderful pursuits, yet I have a yearning. Oh to find my art, she muttered wistfully as her thoughts meandered off to other things.

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 21st, 2005 at 11:28 AM and is filed under me. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “so much beauty, so little time”

Suse Says:

I know what you mean. When I first started reading blogs I realised that many people classify themselves, as say, a craft blog, or a book blog, or a cooking blog. I don’t knit an item each week, or read a book every two days. I do a little bit of everything. So my blog is more of a daily life blog. Sometimes I cook, sometimes I read, sometimes I knit/sew, but most of the time I post silly stuff that’s in my head or happening in my life/house. I don’t know how to classify my blog ! Apart from ‘random musings of the day’ …

and your paintings are gorgeous!!!!