October 26th, 2009

The last time this happened was December 03, 2007.  Shortly thereafter, LB sprouted and gestated for, oh, what was it?  37 or 38 weeks?  Followed by ten months of servitude to the Lactina.  Followed by four full months of vaguely wondering whether I’m going through the change.

I think this works out to one week shy of 23 months.  I guess the plumbing still works, after all.

This entry was posted on Monday, October 26th, 2009 at 2:08 PM and is filed under ob-gyn. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

6 Responses to “that explains a few things, anyway”

thebluemoongirl Says:

Hey! Not fair that you’re just now getting it back! Mine came back a couple months ago (and I’m still breastfeeding!). In not-so-lucky-land, I got it when FIL was here and I’ll probably get it again when MIL is here. Sigh… There’s my TMI for you!

P.S. Love the new look! :o)

thebluemoongirl Says:

Dang! That P.S. should be a smile at the end. I forgot that it changes them from : o ) (w/o spaces) to :o! Sorry! 🙂

Stomper Girl Says:

At least you had a nice long break. I wish there was a way of not having periods that didn’t involve menopause or pregnancy or cancer.

sueeeus Says:

Stomper, somehow your comments ended up on another post – http://www.sueeeus.com/?p=13… I don’t know how! I copied one over here, but I couldn’t just move it. So strange…

Aunty Evil Says:

You must need to have had a baby to understand what the hell you are talking about! I read it that you were pregnant again! How come those other 2 smarties worked it out so easily? I do agree with Stomper though…

Hey (read this with a whine in your voice) can we pleeeeease have an updated photo of your LB. I am hankering to see that little face again!

sueeeus Says:

Oh heavens no, not pregnant. Just got the ‘flow’ back, is all.