March 18th, 2009


First up, the obligatory beautiful baby picture.  Oh, those delicious cheeks.  This reminds me of Where’s Waldo?


I think it would behoove me to take some time each day to recollect something positive about the day.  Count my blessings, as it were.  I think it helps to establish and maintain a glass half full outlook, which has to be good for one’s overall well-being.  Surely.  And moreso, I want to take it further and do something intentional each and every day that is at least a little bit selfless or somehow a blessing to another, even if it’s only a very small thing.

That said, here we go.

Today I attended an executive meeting in which the execs were surprisingly down-to-earth and friendly, and they didn’t shoot down our project.  In fact, they even brought up a “wouldn’t it be nice if only we could do such and such” for which my team already has a solution in the works (and it’s actually my idea to begin with, so I might even get some credit for it).  We will get another audience with those in the echelons in the near future to present the concept.

I got home before everyone else today, so I had a little bit of quiet, empty house, me-time.  Bliss!

I’m going to try to get nearly a full night’s sleep tonight, which means no pumping at 2 a.m.   More bliss!

As for doing something intentional for the benefit of another?  I stopped in traffic to allow a big rig semi truck to make a turn, because they need several lanes to do so.  I don’t think the impatient drivers behind me were thrilled, but the truck driver was appreciative.  I know, it’s small, but it’s something.

I sent my fetal heart monitor to my niece who is newly pregnant, and she was able to hear her baby’s heartbeat!  This blesses us both, because we’ve both had traumatic miscarriages, and the assurance that the sound of a healthy heartbeat gives an expectant mother is priceless.  Plus, her daughter was able to hear the heartbeat, and that helps make it real for her as well.  She’s very excited to become a big sister.  (And I’m very excited to be a new Auntie again!)

lb6mos-6I can’t resist.  He’s just too gorgeous.  And yummy.  And no, I’m not going to cut his hair until he turns 1, no matter how crazy it gets.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 at 4:59 PM and is filed under thankfulness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “grace and intention”

Aunty Evil Says:

He is adorable. I want to see a photo of him smiling, I just love those gummy grins.