October 22nd, 2008

And just like that, maternity leave is over.

Look at you, Mister Eight Weeks Old Today!

Where did the time go?  I don’t think I squeezed in enough snuggles and cuddles and smoochies and hugs.  I think I spent too much time doing housework and not enough time sleeping.  I could have done better.  I could have (and should have) played more, instead of being wrapped up in the business of mothering — harping, snapping, reprimanding, disciplining, and completely losing my patience with BB, pumping, feeding, bathing, consoling.  How do I remind myself, and actually get myself, to play more?  How do I put the blinders on, to hide the myriad things that are calling to be done, and just concentrate on the moment that is a delicious little bundle of boyness?

And now it’s back to the frazzle dazzle working mom’s routine, so it’s all that much more important to magnify those moments of baby yumminess.

In retrospect, the first day back wasn’t so bad.  I think we’re going to be okay.  After a nap, that is.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 at 5:44 PM and is filed under motherhood, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “eight weeks”

Stomper Girl Says:

How cool is his sticking up hair?

bluemountainsmary Says:

He is glorious.

I was like you for the first three months with each of the kids. I never got better at taking those moments to savour.

I refuse to feel guilty though. Well maybe just a little.