September 5th, 2006 | Comments Off on new world order

I’m the type of person who does well with schedules and routines.  I’m very process oriented.  These things work for me.  Structure.  I like structure.  With that in mind, I have some new restated goals (in the interest of re-focusing my life, and gaining some control over the chaos in which I live.)

D A I L Y   G O A L S

  • an uninterrupted night’s sleep, which can theoretically be realized by the following:
    • wean the beautiful boy from his bedtime bottle habit so that he doesn’t wake up between midnight and 3 a.m. needing a diaper change.  every. single. night.
    • find a way to fill his tummy with non-liquid food to keep him from waking up hungry between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.  every. single. morning.
  • an hour of exercise a day
    • more realistically, 1/2 hour a day
      • more realistically, 1/2 hour every other day
  • wholesome organic glucose friendly meals.  period.
    • more realistically, omit the packaged/canned/preserved/prepared foods.
  • a clean kitchen
  • a tidy home (to the unscrutinizing eye)
  • a little bit of me time (ha ha ha ha guffaw ha ha ha…)

I’ve distracted myself so much with the thundering guffaws in my head, that I’m not able to continue this list.  It was nice to start to think about, at any rate.

Posted in ambitions
June 29th, 2006 | Comments Off on Dreaming of a garden, a cow, a pig, and six chickens

I’ve had a dream for many years that’s taken on various flavors depending on which way the winds are blowing, but essentally, the dream is a dream of self-sufficiency.  Having stumbled across the thoughts and ideas of one Pat Gardiner, I am now further inspired to expand my gardening and homesteading fantasies to include a cow, a pig, and six chickens!! 

To further fuel my enthusiasm, according to Mr. Gardiner, citrus fruits are within the realm of possibility, in my climate! 

My pipe dream plan is to build my home/garden/estate/farm/compound (small scale, all about self-sufficiency), and work the garden and the animals and cook healthy simple organic wholesome foods, and live sensibly and quietly (with Mr. Gadget holding some sort of job to pay for the gadgetry, technology, taxes, and utilities) and maybe, just maybe, I could write books.

Sigh.  Other people do it.  Write books, that is.  How to make a living at it is a completely different matter.

It would probably help if I could actually write.  At least, write in a voice worth reading.

I shall write fabulous, clever, interesting, and gripping books about how I made my self sufficient dreams come true.

Or not.

Maybe I’ll market some of my baby contraptions and gizmos.

All the same, it’s a dream, worthy of more contemplation and pursuit.

Posted in ambitions