March 31st, 2020 | Comments Off on and that’s that

Today was a significant day.  A get dressed and take pictures on that first day of school kind of day.  Like that.  I could have stayed in my jammies, but I felt that the day warranted clothes.  After all, it was my last day at the OK Corral.

last day

Last day at the OK Corral

It was an emotional day for me. I wrote some au revoir notes to my people and had flurried IM conversations with some of my teammates. Almost 34 years slogging away for what I hoped was the greater good.  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course.

Things being as they are in this present worldwide crisis, there is no opportunity to gather together and celebrate.  There is no collecting my things from my office.  There are no face to face goodbyes.

It’s the ultimate Irish Exit and this time the universe orchestrated it for me.

Although it’s a happy life transition, I’m sad and feeling somewhat alone in this.  Maybe because it’s one more loss to add to the heap of losses that I’m still working my way through.

Posted in me, work
March 28th, 2020 | Comments Off on cinquantacinque
Life is a many splendoured thing

Life is a many splendoured thing

Posted in me